Six Weeks Later...

10:28 PM

Here we are at my Uncle Steve's cabin near Brighton,
just hours before going into labor...

And here we are, same spot, just 6 wks later! We were in need of a break after being cooped up with a newborn for so long, so we got to go back up and spend a day and a half enjoying some fresh air and relaxing.

We took our good friends from our ward with us, Mary Rose & Adam. They're a lot of fun, and we all just vegged out,
 played games, and laughed a LOT (I was in need of that!).

Down the road from the cabin is a beautiful spot to hike called Silver Lake. We got to test out our Baby Bjorn for the first time!

The scenery was breathtaking! The sign said this spot gets 
33 ft. of snow during the winter!

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