Back to Work...

4:18 PM

I had a fun wedding shoot last week for my cousin, Ben, and his beautiful wife, Emilee, in Salt Lake! It was the first day back on the job since having Sydney, and luckily it went smoothly juggling Syd between kind aunts and uncles all day. Tommy even took half the day off of work to come up and help. If I can survive this with a 2-month-old, I'm thinking it will only get easier and easier (and hopefully Tommy won't have to quit his job to be my babysitter)!

It was such a gorgeous day for a wedding. And there are few places more perfect for photos than the Salt Lake temple grounds.

We all had a good laugh trying to get the kids in a group photo. All you could hear was this loud chorus of screams and cries. Photographers are so mean, aren't they?!

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