me & my buddy

4:02 PM

Okay, another gooey blog post:

I just LOVE hanging out with my little Sydney! We do the silliest and simplest things together (singing made-up songs, exploring new things in the house, reading stories, talking with silly voices with her stuffed animals), but it's so fun. I feel like she understands what's going on, and has a budding sense of humor. She laughs and smiles so much, it's hard to feel down at all around her. And lots of times when she's napping or sleeping at night, I can't wait for her to wake up so we can play some more. 

I never thought motherhood would be this fun! (don't get me wrong, there are times where I'm happy to get a break, or exhausted after an extra-fussy day), but I'm surprised how great it is overall.  

The other night we were playing games with my bracelets (sounds VERY exciting, I know....but it was actually a lot of fun!)

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