Adorable Nieces & Nephews

12:11 PM

The great part about spending a 2 week Christmas break with the whole family is the chance to play with all my adorable nieces and nephews! I absolutely LOVE kids, and I happen to be related to some of the cutest ones on the planet. Here are a few pictures of Tony and Sarah's little ones that I took during the break. 

Ben (2) with his teddy bear that he carries around and sleeps with every night. Ben is such a sweetie and so cuddly!

Ryan (4). He's so sharp and has such a fun personality. He picks things up so fast. I showed him how to use my camera, and within minutes he was taking great pictures!

Leah (7 weeks). Absolutely precious! Still in that rolly-polly stage. She looks a lot like her daddy and her big brother, Ryan. 

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