when to stop?

6:58 AM

Here's a question for you moms out there: how do you know when to stop feeding your child? Now that Sydney's started adding solid foods to her diet, this has been a question on my mind at every meal. I continue to spoon her out goopy veggies, and she continues to open wide at the sight of the spoon. I thought once she's full she'd just keep her mouth shut. But so far I've had to go by these other confusing signs she gives me (in chronological order, and done at almost every single meal):

  • Starts pulling off her bib, but still opens her mouth to eat
  • Grabs the spoon from me, but still opens up when I get it back to feed her
  • Starts smiling and talking to the dog, but still opens to eat
  • Plays peek-a-boo with the bib, but continues to eat
  • Buries and smears her messy face all over my shirt, still opening her mouth for more
  • Starts looking like she's constipated as her face turns bright red and she makes grunting noises, but still eats
  • Starts gagging...opens her mouth for more...then I tell her meal time is over.

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