She's not a California girl after all...

10:45 PM

Today's adventure was a trip to the beach. I was looking forward to Sydney splashing and playing in the water like she loves to do at home in the tub. She had a way different reaction, but we still had a lot of fun. I posted tons of photos for her daddy, who's missing out and home alone in Utah. We love you, babe!

look at this face! She's thinking, "Mommy, I trust you, but I see big, scary waves coming at me!"

"Mooommmm! How could you do that?!" ...I'm so mean :)

once she was a safe distance from the scary waves, she had a lot of fun (here with her sweet Auntie Kathleen)

she loves her Grandma!

I'm not giving up, though. We'll be back again in the next few days to try it all again.

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