the sweetest night

11:17 AM

Last night as Tommy and I were about to fall asleep, we heard a little cry from Sydney's room. Nothing unusual, as she often makes noises in her sleep. Tommy and I looked at each other and said, "should we bring her in to sleep with us?" (again, also something not unusual...we talk about doing this all the time, but never get up the bravery to actually risk sleep to cuddle with our baby).

But last night we finally did. I scooped her up from her nursery down the hall and brought her in our bed. She immediately nestled in our covers and silently slept.

I watched her precious little face, so small next to mine, and wished she could stay small like this forever. I breathed in her smell as she lay just inches from my face. It was one of those moments you want to bottle up and wear around your neck forever. Then she began to stir, opened her eyes, and softly stroked my face with her tiny hands as she realized where she was. Life doesn't get any sweeter than this.

It didn't take long before she was fully awake and excited to play. For the next half hour we heard Sydney talk and jabber more than we've ever heard - her high sing-song voice, mixed with giggles, gasps, and coos. I finally scooped her back up and placed her back in her crib, where she fell asleep immediately, probably thinking it was all a dream. I crawled back into bed and Tommy and I just looked at each other and smiled. That was definitely worth it.

Sydney Covers

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