
12:23 AM

Our new favorite part of the day is when Tommy gets home from work and he puts on the sprinklers in our backyard to water the dry patches. Sydney then dances around the splashing water, soaking up the last rays of sun. We have to eventually drag her reluctant little body inside to get ready for bed.

These photos from tonight make me SO happy. Life doesn't get any better than this. I had to post these, despite the point-and-shoot camera, the fuzzy pictures, and the fact that I'm resembling a pregnant cow in these. But I don't care...I just had to document this sweet stage of our lives.


While I was sitting on the grass talking to Tommy, Sydney came up from behind and jumped on my back and called out to "daddy" to get his attention. There's nothing that melts your heart more than a naked, giggling little monkey clinging to your back. :)



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