five weeks

12:30 AM

Noah is on the tail end of 5 weeks. That means the 6 week mark is coming up, and I should be back on my feet and back to the world of the living. But I'm not quite ready to get out of my PJ's and off from the couch cuddling Noah all day. He is my side-kick 24/7. It's been a little bit of a transition to figure out how to juggle three kids at the same time, but luckily we have been laying low, eating cereal and sandwiches (ok, that's nothing new), and finding simple pleasures each day, like dancing to christmas music on pandora and making hand puppets with brown paper lunch bags. 

I keep looking down at Noah (I'm finally starting to call him by his name, instead of just "baby" and "little guy") and thinking "wow, you're part of our family!". I wonder what he thinks of this silly, crazy family so far. His big sister tells him stories and sings him made-up songs, and his brother slobbers him with kisses and tries to sit on his lap. And his mommy can't stop taking his picture. The poor guy...I hope he knew what he was getting himself into when he decided to come into this world. :)

We sure are happy he came into this world of ours.

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