Our First Halloween in California

11:58 PM

Our first Halloween in California. It poured rain all day, but held up for us as we trick-or-treated for a couple hours, then came pouring again. I knew it would be perfect, and it was. :) Halloween is one of the very best days of the year!

In front of the first house. Every single house handed us huge handfuls of candy because the streets were emptier from the rain.

Noah's speech doubles by the day, and from the start of the day to the end, he was suddenly spouting out "Happy Halloween!", "Trick-or-Treat!" and "Spiderweb!".

I told the kids of their cousin, Mason's, conclusion that "the cuter you are for Halloween, the more candy you'll get". I used this when Max wanted to be a headless scarecrow (what?!). After the first house and being handed a huge handful of candy, Sydney proclaimed, "Mason was right! The cuter you are, the more candy you get!!"

we kept searching the neighborhood for the haunted house we heard about, but we never found it. Luckily this creepy doorstep came very close.

We met up with the cousins until the kids complained that their candy buckets were too full. I thought I'd never hear that from our kids.

The best part is organizing the candy and making trades with the loot

left: Kara the witch           right: Austin and Mike

left: Noah, doubling up on suckers in his mouth         right: Tommy sneaking candy from his daughter

Drew and Kate, counting their goodies

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