Malinda's Place

7:15 AM

Malinda's house is always full of life and color. If you stop by during these summer months, you'll be greeted by a huge, lush garden, and an adorable floppy-eared puppy at your heels.

Sunflowers always remind me of Malinda. She used to decorate her room with them when she was little, and her sweet, bubbly personality has mirrored them ever since.

I can't get enough of little Gunner. His goofy face and clumsy, playful manner just makes me want to gobble him whole.

I'm kind of crazy about animals. Particularly doggies. And particularly weimaraners. :)

Kathleen is the animal-whisperer. She helped pick out our pooch, Haley, when she was a puppy, and helped train and practically raise her, too.

It can get dangerous when cuddling with puppies. Their energy, combined with razor-sharp teeth don't mix well!

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