our gingerbread house

8:14 PM

HOLIDAY FESTIVITIES! Let's begin with the Gingerbread House:

We took the easy road this year and got a pre-built house from Costco. I've been crazy sick with a loooong cold/flu/sinus infection/double ear infection/remaining deafness (long story, maybe another post and on other day). So I stood at a distance while Sydney and Tommy squeezed mounds of icing and plopped candies all over the gingerbread house. 

I don't know who was more excited...my eager toddler, or my sweet-toothed elf of a husband

we quickly decided this will be Sydney's house, and warn everyone NOT to eat off of it. She couldn't stop licking every single piece, dipping her fingers in the icing, and taking nibbles out of every other candy

she'd lick, then stick :)

and when Tommy told her to put in the snowman, she found a perfect place and laid him down. I guess he's a dead snowman.

all the while Max watched on from his throne in excitement

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