pulling out the decorations

5:31 PM

I've always loved Christmas, and now that Sydney is 2 1/2 and involved in everything, I am just giddy with excitement about this holiday season! I now have a little buddy by my side 24/7 to sing Christmas songs with, talk about our lists to Santa, drink hot chocolate, and play with the decorations. 

you'll find Sydney playing with the tree all day, every day

pulling out  the xmas box

(just ignore my PJs and bed hair) :)

 our first decoration out: Malinda's adorable paper mache Santa, which, in my mind, is exactly what Santa looks like!

Sydney's loving all of these new "dollies" around the house

sentimental and mismatched ornaments collected over the years are my favorite - they each have a story

she wouldn't take this hat off the entire night

we painted the left santa for our first Christmas together; the middle is a funny one my mom got us for our first xmas as a married couple (you can see the resemblance, right); the last is one my parents brought back from one of their adventures in Europe

when Sydney was a baby, she was often compared to a little Cupie doll, so my mom found these little vintage ornaments for her

 Tommy got me these nesting dolls in Australia. I love that Sydney can play with them and the rest of our decorations. This was one of the best parts of Christmas as a kid - we all played with and put a lot of loving wear and tear into each and every decoration. :)

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