A Romantic V-Day....with the Kids :)

10:29 PM

So perhaps Valentine's Days are a bit different now that we have kids. We could have hired a sitter, but we thought that 1.) We didn't want to make anyone babysitt on Valentine's Day, and 2.) Bringing the kids along is a lot of fun, too.

So this is how our day went:

I woke up to this surprise next to my bed. Tommy had to leave to work early, so as I groggily rolled out of bed, I got to start the day to dozens of hand-written notes - all mini flashbacks of sweet and funny memories we've shared over our 7 1/2 years since meeting in college. I was going to type them up on here, but realized most of them were either too confusing, personal, or silly. That's our relationship in a nutshell. :)

Halfway through reading them, Sydney snuck in, hopped on the bed, and began opening and "reading" by my side. 

Most of hers sounded like this: "Sisi...cupcakes...Max...". All of which she found very amusing.

We then met up with Tommy for lunch at one of our favorite holiday spots. You guessed it...the ultra-fancy IHOP. Why do we spend most of our birthdays + anniversaries here? Because we started when we were dating, and we love tradition. 
And I love breakfast food.

Sydney's first smiley-face pancake. She ate all the whip cream, then mashed up the entire pancake with her fingers.

Max thought that since he tasted his first bite of food yesterday, that he was going to join in on the IHOP feast. It was hard to distract his slobber gums. He's too smart for us. :)

After Tommy got home from work, we headed to the movies. We've been wanting to watch "Tangled" forever, but have been waiting for it to get to the dollar theaters. Well...it goes to the dollar theaters in 4 days, but we couldn't wait. And it was WELL worth the wait! As soon as we walked out, Sydney said, "Rapunzel...AGAIN!"

We ended the night with some Cold Stone. I asked Sydney to snap a photo of Mommy + Daddy. :)

Her 5th try.


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