she's home!!!

11:39 PM

My beloved little sister, Kathleen, FINALLY came home from her mission at the end of March. I've had butterflies in my stomach for the past few months before her arrival in anticipation and excitement. It was a very looong 18 months! But while I missed her like crazy, I am SO happy she went and proud of her service and dedication. She is such an example to me and to all of us.

Me, Malinda, James, Alex, and the kids kept it a secret that we were going to fly out for the homecoming. We all waited with huge smiles at the beautiful and small Santa Barbara airport and watched her plane land right in front of us. Let's just say it was a much better experience than waiting at the usual LAX!

We were all on pins and needles. Not just from excitement, but also because my Dad and Alex almost missed her arrival due to a late dentist appointment. And Max and I almost missed out due to a HUGE diaper blow-out in the airport parking lot. But we all miraculously made it in just the nick of time!

thanks to all the helpful hands, shuffling Max around while I snapped some photos (his auntie Malinda, uncle James, and my Aunt Jen) 

 Malinda's darling boys

Even though it was drizzling, nothing could stop us from smiling. That's her plane landing ahead of us.

I spy Hermana Vance stepping off the plane!


I got teary-eyed as she started to run once she spotted us 

mom and dad 

everyone had tears in their eyes and smiles from ear to ear 

Sydney loves her aunt "Kakeen". But she was a little confused why we were clapping and hollering, so she continued to clap and say hi to everyone else that walked off the plane. 

first stop: In-N-Out. :) 

We are SO happy to have Kathleen back home. And she's now up here in Utah, about to begin a spring semester at BYU. I am so proud of my little sis! :)

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