A Day in the Life

4:23 PM

The other day I followed my kids around with my camera as we went about our normal daily routine. Nothing special or out-of-the-norm, but these are some of my favorite photos now. A glimpse into how life was in October 2011.

Yes, the kids were sleeping in their play clothes, and no, they didn't change (until princess dress-up time came). :)

Every morning, Sydney comes to wake me up first, and then we both go in to get Max (who's always chirping for some attention and love from his big sis).

I love his chunky-cheeked profile. 

whenever the camera comes near, Sydney pulls out all sorts of crazy faces. 

shirts are overrated.

Max finds "toys" in everything

everything's yummier when it's shared with a dog

Max is one of Sydney's favorite models

more faces

who knew blinds could keep a 1-yr-old busy for endless amounts of time...this is his favorite spot that he speedily crawls off to whenever I'm not looking.

Sydney thinks she's the designated babysitter, and constantly chases after Max and "saves the day" (as she proudly states afterwards).

dance party

He's fast as lightning crawling up the stairs. And even faster rolling down. ;)

Sydney watches too many of my brides ;)

Haley blends in with the rest of the mounds of stuffed animals

Max loves all of Sydney's chew toys.

a little time-out

back to play time

That night, like so many nights, I found her conked out in the front room as I was heading off to bed. She's a sneaky, quiet little thing!

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