Christmas is Here!

4:20 PM

The most magical time of the year. I just like to sit near the tree and feel the excitement of this holiday. :)

the loot! Santa was good to us :)

Santa brings each kid two Santa gifts, unwrapped under the tree. Noah got a mini piano (he tries to play the big piano all the time)

Max loves all things pirates, and asked Santa for a pirate ship

Max also got a balance bike. Of course in his favorite color.

Sydney got two twin dolls with a stroller, and a big dolphin that she asked santa for 

my favorite sight to see

Sydney is good at waiting till everyone's awake before sneaking downstairs

Max is our late sleeper. Sydney tried to wake him up, but he didn't want to get out of bed. :)

she brought reinforcement

Haley always knows which stocking is hers

forget all the toys - the candy canes we've been eating all December long are the most exciting!

I found some Tim Tams in my stocking! St. Nick must've stopped off in Australia on his way.

Tommy opened his present (a drawing) from Sydney that she made and had wrapped under the tree for almost a month

I got the cutest mugs - perfect for my winter hot milo obsession

Max has wanted this Jack in the Box for a long time

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