Our Pretend New Year's Eve Bash

6:35 AM

Every year when our family is together during New Year's Eve, we always end up with a sorry attempt of a party, where most of us drop off before 11pm. So this year we vowed to make it a big bash. But we ended up watching a movie and just pausing it 5 minutes before midnight, and then running around the kitchen finding party goodies, grabbing our cameras, and trying to find an accurate clock. The girls gathered around the microwave clock, counting down the last few minutes, when we suddenly heard car alarms in the neighborhood go off, and all the boys of the house starting to dance around the house blowing their noise-makers and banging pots and pans. So we missed the whole "counting down" experience and ended up with a very silly and disorganized 5-minute party before turning back on our movie. 

pretending to have a wild party

my dad running around like a loon with an apron on his head 3 minutes before our clock said 12

all the noises woke up Sydney, so she got her first New Year's Eve party, and her mommy got to spend the rest of the night with a restless child!

Sydney was very excited to join the party, as you can see

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