What LOVE Looks Like

11:30 AM

Love is in the air, and romance on our minds.
I've been thinking of the days when Tommy and I were first dating,
totally twitterpated and trying to impress. Our dates were creative and romantic.

Like this particular one that comes to mind.....

We went out and bought blank canvases and paints and sat down to paint each other's portrait.
We thought it would be fun to see how the other person viewed and interpreted us.
I love anything to do with art, even the areas I'm not very good at (as you'll see below),
and Tommy (who hasn't had much exposure to the world of art),
was always encouraging and happy to join in.

(...due to twitterpation and eagerness to impress, I'm sure).

After a good while (we were serious about this),
we finally finished and revealed our paintings for the other to see:

Tommy probably had to strain his eyes to see my faint and timid attempt,
but he showered me with encouragement.

But when Tommy turned his piece around,
I was taken aback by his confident strokes, his use of vivid colors, his attention to detail!

Let me remind you that he had a very limited background in art....
yet his finished masterpiece was totally dead-on.

.............are you ready?

....wait for it...



Happy Valentine's Day to all you love birds out there.

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