Sunday Best

10:22 PM

Our church just changed to NINE A.M. from last years' 2pm, and we miraculously made it to church on time (well, sneaking into the back seats during the opening song...that's on time for us). And let me just tell you...early morning church is the best! We get the rest of the day to enjoy together as a family. 

Thanks to Sydney and Max for hamming up to the camera for a few minutes before tearing off their fancy clothes. :)

 Sydney just turned 2 1/2 this week! I feel like she is years older than that, though. She is one of my best buddies. I have so much fun playing make-believe together, cracking up at her hilarious jokes, telling fairytales and singing songs together. I love watching her discover new things, and see her imagination blossom.

 Ever since she was just a few weeks old, I knew Sydney was blessed with a great sense of humor. She finds so many things funny, and luckily laughs at all of her mama's cheesy and goofy jokes. :)
 Am I allowed to gush about how dang cute I think this little girl is? She gets it ALL from her daddy...she's looked like him from Day 1.

 One of the best things of having two kids is watching them play together. I was a little worried for the first few weeks after having Max when Sydney totally ignored him (and acted like a crazy hellion child), but ever since then, Sydney has become so attached to Max. If he's down for a nap, she'll ask, "Where baby go?". At times she is very mothering and nurturing, and other times very playful - as if he's another toddler buddy to play with. 
 Max is 4 months old, but is busting out of his 6 month clothing. Everyone thinks we've given him a haircut by the way it's grown in so straight. He's inherited Tommy's straight, wiry hair (and he's inherited pretty much everything else from Tommy). I thought Sydney looked like Tommy...but this little guy is his daddy's twin.
 Max's nickname around this house is "Buzz". Sydney's a huge Toy Story fan, and suddenly one day out of the blue I hear, "Come here, Buzz!". Now everyday she calls for Buzz to come follow her on adventures around the house. So I fly him through the air after her, talking for him in a deep/goofy Buzz voice. She says she is Jessie. :)
 I am IN LOVE with this chunky, roly, slobbery babe. He melts my heart. I cannot stay frustrated at him for more than a second. His sleeping habits are pretty rough still (up every 2-3 hrs all night), but I will do anything for him - I'll hold him all day, and stay awake for most of the night - I just love every second with him. (But Max...I don't mind if you want to start sleeping a little more soon). :)

 big boy shoes :)
I am loving the slower pace this month with less shoots and weddings and more time to play with these buddies of mine. Mommyhood has been so fun...I can't wait to have a whole brood of little miniature Tommy's running around. We just might not make it to 9am church on time every week. :)

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