Crazy Syd-Bid

12:37 PM

When I was trying to take some photos of Max the other day, Sydney quickly put on an assortment of accessories and hopped right in. After nearly 3 years of chasing her with a camera, she's finally warming up to the idea of being my #1 model. 

Sydney is so playful and imaginative. She begs for story after story, and as soon as I say "The End", she chirps "Tell story?!" She's always been a bit of a tomboy, preferring Buzz Lightyear, Elmo, and Thomas the Train. But in the past few months she's suddenly talking about princesses and castles and a prince on a horse. I think the movie Tangled had something to do with that. She is obsessed.

While toddlerhood can be a lot of work, it is definitely the most entertaining experience I've ever had. The things that come out of Sydney's mouth keep me cracking up all day. I just love this little girl so much!

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