Max's Big Day

9:01 PM

We woke up excited and ready to celebrate Max's special day. Sydney's been looking forward to this day for a long time. I've been telling her things like "Max will start talking when he's about two", and "Max will stop pulling your hair when he's around two".  Now whenever Max does something baby-ish she says, "wait, is Max two?". I guess we may have to wait a little bit longer. :)

As we hung decorations, we heard Max's squeals and jumps coming from his room upstairs. He was excited and confused as we sung him Happy Birthday.

he came downstairs and ran straight to the balloons

it took a while to distract him from the balloons and see the big birthday bear waiting for him

bears are one of his favorite things in the world. he was very happy to have this new friend.

donuts, birthday cereal, and presents awaited him on the table

he had a hard time sitting still long enough to eat

we got to hear our favorite birthday book read by Daddy

he got an Aqua Doodle, which is exactly what he needs (so he stops drawing on walls and laptops)

In the evening we had a few friends and family come over for a bbq. We put on some music so Max could have a dance party and show his moves he's been practicing every morning in the kitchen with me and Sydney.

our friend, Pam, made this adorable alligator cupcake cake! her baking skills are amazing.

Max was in heaven with all the food and treats. He has an impressive appetite.

I love my baby! I mean, my big boy. He likes to be treated like a big boy these days. After all, he is two.

Max sat in the ball pit for most of the party. Balls are too irresistible for this boy.

when his buddy, Suli, arrived, he greeted her with a huge grin and threw a ball at her head. But it was out of love (if he shares a ball with you, that's true love). 

Then he spent the rest of the night chasing her around trying to give her a hug.

Pin the Nose on the Bear

Max wasn't a fan of the blindfold. He wanted to impress his peers by getting the nose right on.

Max loves his friend, Pam

singing Happy Birthday before the cupcakes were devoured

We got a surprise visitor from Zoom, the outerspace birthday man, with his impressive performance. Max was stunned at first, then curious to see who this visitor really was.

Max kept saying "Daddy...?" "Daddy...?" as he'd take a few steps closer.

Max thought this truck was pretty cool, especially for riding inside of

Kathleen said, "let's take a picture of you all in the ball pit!" But it turned out looking like we're just sitting in a blow-up pool. :)

Happy birthday to our dear little Max!

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