Happy Halloween!

8:22 PM

I always hope and expect for a big, exciting Halloween each year. I picture a big party with a cool haunted house, creative halloween finger foods, scary movies...the whole shebang. But every year it ends up pretty low-key. Even after making all the homemade costumes, we still didn't end up doing anything! We didn't even carve pumpkins! But we still had fun, since it's impossible not to enjoy Halloween, no matter what the activities are.

I love handing out candy to the neighborhood kids, since I know a lot of them from primary. They're always so adorable in their costumes. I just didn't like the fact that Tommy would only let me hand out one piece of candy per kid. I guess he was tired of running back to the store for more candy last year when I was handing out handfuls. (Sydney doesn't look like she's enjoying this as much as me).

Our party has arrived! Malinda, James, and Mason came for a couple hours. Don't you just love those green striped long-johns Malinda made?

Our little garden veggies

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