my genius child

8:57 PM

So apparently it comes with parenthood to find anything new your child learns or creates to be brilliant. But seriously...Sydney went from scribbling in big circles to suddenly THIS masterpiece:


and then this incredible pig

and then this perfect ghost on halloween.

The other night my sister, Kathleen, came by, and I told her of Sydney's recent artistic accomplishments. Sydney overheard and quickly grabbed her pen and notepad. I tried not to smile too big with pride as I waited to see what she'd come up with next. Then she showed us a squiggly unrecognizable creature...and Kathleen gave an exaggerated, "Oooh!!" And then I realized I should probably hold off on showcasing my 3-yr-old's brilliant abilities to everyone that comes by.

Here are some little Sydney shots from the past month. Just randomness from around the house, but I need to record all of these moments. I could watch and listen to her all day and not get tired of the things she says and does. There's never a dull moment with a 3-year-old around.

cuddling up to a movie

counting her duckies

I find her in the pantry 10 times a day in exactly this same position (the treats are on the top shelf, and apparently it's not high enough anymore).

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