The Christmas Festivities Begin!

12:26 PM

Thanksgiving is over and now we can officially begin the Christmas festivities! But let's be honest....we've been listening to Christmas music on pandora every day since Nov 1st. But I did hold out on the decorations until the day after Thanksgiving. We spent a quiet morning together, and while Max napped, the three of us hung the ornaments and placed the decorations around the house. Each little piece always brings back so many memories.

The next morning we drove up to Logan to play in the snow with Malinda's family, my parents, and my sister, Valerie. It's always a bit colder up north, so it was fun to cuddle around a campfire in the snowy canyon.

Max was excited to fit into Sydney's old snow suit. We'll never know if it was meant for a boy or a girl.

left: James is always the designated fire man   right: Malinda and baby 'Cabe

Max loves his auntie Valerie

We came back to the warm house to watch the Muppets Christmas Carol (the BEST Christmas movie on earth!) and make some sugar cookies.


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